1. TeachingDemos::USCrimes
    US Crime Statistics
  2. TeachingDemos::ccc
    Sample data downloaded and converted from a GPS unit
    data.frame|89 x 13
  3. TeachingDemos::coin.faces
    Designs for coin faces for use with plot.rgl.coin
  4. TeachingDemos::evap
    Data on soil evaporation.
  5. TeachingDemos::h2h
    Sample data downloaded and converted from a GPS unit
    data.frame|131 x 16
  6. TeachingDemos::ldsgrowth
    Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  7. TeachingDemos::outliers
    Outliers data
  8. TeachingDemos::steps
    Steps data
  9. TeachingDemos::stork
    Neyman's Stork data
  10. TeachingDemos::towork
    Sample data downloaded and converted from a GPS unit
    data.frame|211 x 16